USCG Merchant Mariner Credentials
Common MMC Questions:
Complete and sign application(s); which will be provided via the web link www.maritimelicensingagency.com under the USCG Merchant Marine Credential tab at the bottom of the page. Once application and medical or any additional forms are completed, you can complete the “Request Form” and provide the proper documentation. The weblink will allow you the option to make the request and upload your valid certificates. We will contact you via email after you submit the request form and we have reviewed the documents provided.
It depends on what is being applied for. Some may apply for an endorsement at age 16, but in most cases they must be 18+ years old and a citizen of the United States of America.
Individuals with Valid US citizenship may apply for officer endorsements, except for individuals applying for endosements as operators of uninspected passenger vessels authorizing service on undocumented vessels.
Applying for anything less than a officer endorsement must be a US citizen, an alien, a foreign national who is enrolled in the USMMA.
Must hold/previously held a Valid TWIC card.
National Officer Endorsements (Licensed) for Deck:
⦁ Master Unlimited OC or NC
⦁ Chief Mate Unlimited OC or NC
⦁ 2nd Mate Unlimited OC or NC
⦁ 3rd Mate Unlimited OC or NC
⦁ Master 500/1600 OC or NC
⦁ Mate 500/1600 OC
⦁ Mate 500/1600 NC
⦁ Master 200 OC
⦁ Mate 200 OC
⦁ Master 200 NC
⦁ Mate 200 NC
⦁ Master 100 NC
⦁ Limited Master 100/Limited OUPV (Operators of Uninspected Passenger Vessels)
⦁ Master Unlimited GL and Inland
⦁ Mate Unlimited GL and Inland
⦁ Master 500/1600 GL and Inland
⦁ Master 200 GL and Inland
⦁ Mate 200 GL and Inland
⦁ Master 100 GL and Inland
⦁ Master UFIV (Uninspected Fishing Industry Vessels)
⦁ Mate UFIV
⦁ Grandfathering Master and Mate Pilot of Towing
⦁ Master Pilot of Towing OC, NC, GL-IN, WR
⦁ Mate Pilot of Towing OC, NC, GL-IN, WR
⦁ Apprentice Mate (Steersman) OC, NC, GL-IN, WR
⦁ Limited towing Vessels Upon Great Lakes-Inland & Western Rivers
⦁ OUPV Less Than 100 GRT
⦁ Ballast Control Operator
⦁ Master OSV (Offshore Supply Vessels) Less Than OR More Than 1600 GRT/3000 GT
⦁ Chief Mate OSV Less Than OR More Than 1600 GRT/3000 GT
⦁ Mate OSV
⦁ Radio Officer
⦁ First Class Pilot
⦁ Staff Officers
⦁ HSC Original/Renewal/Extension of Route
⦁ OIM (Offshore Installation Manager) Bottom Bearing Units on Location
⦁ OIM Bottom Bearing Underway
⦁ OIM Surface Unites on Location
⦁ OIM Surface Units Underway
⦁ OIM Unrestricted
⦁ Barge Supervisor
⦁ Mate OSV Restricted to Liftboats
⦁ Chief Mate OSV Restricted to Liftboats
⦁ Master OSV Restricted to Liftboats
⦁ Students Observer, Apprentice Mate, Or Apprentice Engineer
⦁ Lower Level Tonnage Increases
⦁ Tonnage and Horsepower Limitation Removal
STCW Officer Endorsements (Licensed) for Deck:
⦁ GMDSS Radio Operator
⦁ Advanced Firefighting
⦁ Master 300 GT or More Management Level
⦁ Chief Mate 3000 GT or More Operation Level
⦁ OICNW (Officer in Charge of Navigation Watch) 500 GT or More Operational Level
⦁ Master 500 GT or More and Less than 3000 GT Management Level
⦁ Chief Mate 500 GT or More and Less than 3000 GT Management Level
⦁ Master Less Than 500 GT OC Management Level
⦁ Master Less than 500 GT Limited to Near Coastal Waters Management Level
⦁ OICNW Less than 500 GT NC Operation Level
⦁ Vessel Security Officer (VSO)
⦁ PSC, PSC Limited, Fast Rescue Boats 1
⦁ Medical First Aid Provider / PIC of Medical Care 1
⦁ Vessel Personnel with Designated Security Duties/Security Awareness
⦁ OSV Chief Mate 500 GT and More and Less Than 300 GT Management Level
⦁ OSV Master 3000 GT or More Management Level
⦁ OSV Chief Mate 3000 GT or More Management Level
⦁ OSV OICNW 500 GT or More Operational Level
⦁ OSV (Less than 1600/3000 GT) Master 500 Gt Or More And Less Than 3000 GT Management Level
⦁ Basic Training Original and Renewal
⦁ Basic and Advanced Polar Code Original and Revalidation
⦁ Basic and Advanced IGF Code Operations Original and Renewal
National Ratings (unlicenesd) for Deck:
⦁ Able Seaman
⦁ Lifeboatman and Lifeboatman-Limited
⦁ Tankerman
⦁ Restricted Tankerman
⦁ Student Observer, Apprentice Mate, or Apprentice Engineer
⦁ Ordinary Seaman
⦁ Wiper
⦁ Stewards Department (FH)
STCW Ratings (unlicensed) for Deck:
⦁ Advanced Firefighting
⦁ Vessel Security Officer (VSO)
⦁ Able Seafarer – Deck
⦁ RFPNW (Rating Forming Part of a Navigational Watch)
⦁ PSC, PSC Limited, Fast Rescue Boats 1
⦁ GMDSS At-Sea Maintainer
⦁ Vessel Personnel with Designated Security Duties/Security Awareness
⦁ Advanced Oil Tanker Cargo Operations
⦁ Advanced Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations
⦁ Advanced Liquefied Gas Tanker Cargo Operations
⦁ Basic Oil and Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations
⦁ Basic Liquefied Gas Tanker Cargo Operations
⦁ Basic Training Original and Renewal
⦁ Basic and Advanced Polar Code Original and Revalidation
⦁ Basic and Advanced IGF Code Operations Original and Renewal
National Officer Endorsements (Licensed) for Engine Department:
⦁ Engineering Propulsion Cross-Over Steam/Motor/GT
⦁ Chief Engineer Steam/Motor/GT
⦁ 1st Assistant Engineer Steam/Motor/GT
⦁ 2nd Assistant Engineer Steam/Motor/GT
⦁ 3rd Assistant Engineer Steam/Motor/GT
⦁ Chief Engineer (Limited) Steam/Motor/GT
⦁ Assistant Engineer (Limited) Steam/Motor/GT
⦁ Designated Duty Engineer Steam/Motor/GT
⦁ Chief Engineer/Assistant Engineer UFIV
⦁ Chief Engineer of MODU
⦁ Assistant Engineer of MODU
⦁ Chief Engineer OSV
⦁ Assistant Engineer OSV
⦁ HSC Orig/Renewal/Extension of Route
⦁ Students Observer, Apprentice Mate, or Apprentice Engineer
⦁ Tonnage and Horsepower Limitation Removal
STCW Officer Endorsements (Licensed) for Engine Department:
⦁ Advanced Firefighting STCW
⦁ Chief Engineer 3000 kW/4000 HP or More Management Level STCW
⦁ Second Engineer Officer (1st AE) 3000 kW/4000 HP or More Management Level STCW
⦁ OICEW or DDE 750 kW/ 1000 HP or More STCW
⦁ Chief Engineer Between 750 kW/1000 HP and 3000 kW/4000 HP Management Level STCW
⦁ Second Engineer Officer (1st AE) Between 750 kW/1000 HP and 3000 kW/4000 HP STCW
⦁ Electro-Technical Officer 750 kW/1000 HP or More Operational Level STCW
⦁ Vessel Security Officer (VSO) STCW
⦁ PSC, PSC Limited, Fast Rescue Boats 1 STCW
⦁ Medical First Aid Provider / PIC of Medical Care 1 STCW
⦁ Vessel Personnel with Designated Security Duties / Security Awareness
⦁ Removing Limitation STCW Designated Duty Engineer – Chief Engineer Regulation III/2 & III/3
⦁ STCW III/2- OSV Chief Engineer 3,000 KW/4,000 HP Or More Management Level
⦁ Basic Training Original And Renewal
⦁ Basic and Advanced IGF Code Operations Original and Renewal
National Ratings (unlicenesd) for Engine Department:
⦁ Students Observer, Apprentice Mate, Or Apprentice Engineer
STCW Ratings (unlicensed) for Engine Department:
⦁ STCW - Advanced Firefighting
⦁ STCW - Vessel Security Officer (VSO)
⦁ STCW - Able Seafarer-Engine
⦁ STCW - Electro-Technical Rating 750 kW/1000 HP or More
⦁ STCW - PSC, PSC Limited, Fast Rescue Boats 1
⦁ STCW - GMDSS At-Sea Maintainer
⦁ STCW - Vessel Personnel with Designated Security Duties / Security Awareness
⦁ STCW - Basic TrainingOriginal And Renewal
⦁ STCW - Basic and Advanced IGF Code Operations Original and Renewal
It all depends on what you are applying for. In most cases the main USCG documents include: Application fo Merchant Mariner Credential (CG-719B), Application for Medical Certificate (CG-719K). Other documents include: Application for Medical Certificate for Entry Level Ratings (CG-719K/E), Conviction Statement (CG-719c), Small Vessel Sea Service Form CG-719S (Sea Service), DOT/USCG Periodic Drug Testing Form 719P (Drug Testing), Certificate of Discharge (CG-718A), Continuity Statement, Oath Form, Third Pary Authorization Form for Medical Certificate, Third Party Authorization for MMC Application, and Affidavit for Duplicate.
Course Completion Certificates will need to be provided based on the endorsement applying for.
Companies may provide the applicant with letters of Sea Service and Drug testing letters.
Copy of Valid TWIC card.
Birth Certificate or Passport
Doctors letters if there is medical issue
5 years
The process is the same as applying for an original MMC, but no course certificates are needed unless renewing the international ratings/officer endorsements. The applicant must provide at least 360 days of Sea Service within the past 5 years. All documents are listed below:
⦁ Application
⦁ Medical
⦁ Copy of TWIC card
⦁ Copy of current USCG MMC
⦁ Letter of Service or Discharge Forms
⦁ Drug Letter provide by company or USCG Drug Testing form
⦁ USCG Fees
No. Although it is a government issued ID, the US Passport is still required when traveling abroad.
Most, if not all mariners, are required to hold the specific license while working at sea. By having a USCG MMC, the mariner allows for more job opportunities. By constantly working to obtain a higher rating or officer position, the better jobs and pay there will be. Being able to provide for yourself and/or your family allows a mariner a better life outcome.
The USCG National Maritime Center is responsible for evaluating and issuing credentials in accordance with the statues and reglations which govern the Maerchant Mariner credentialing program. USCG follow a Code of Federal Regulations which is the feneral and permanent rules published in the Federal Register by the executive departments and agencies of the Federal Government.
The US is highly ranked in the International Maritime Organization. It entered the IMO in 1950. A mariner can only use his USCG MMC to work in US waters, unless the license has the international ratings/officers in which the mariner can work in international waters. It is common practice to use the USCG MMC to obtain maritime endorsements from other countries.
Yes. All mariners are required to complete the USCG Medical (CG-719K) when applying for a USCG Medical Certificate.
No as there is no portal to upload your documents. The USCG is now accepting e-sginatures on any applications, forms, medicals, drug tests, and company letters. It is still required to send all needed documentation to the local REC where they will review and proceed to send the application to the National Maritime Center in West Virginia.
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The USCG Merchant Mariner Credential (MMC) is issued to United States citizens who have demonstrated their qualifications to serve as a mariner in the United States Merchant Marine. It is the equivalent of a National Certificate of Competency, and serves as a mariner’s proof of qualification, an identification. It is issued by the United States Coast Guard under the authority of Title 46 United States Code § 7302. The USCG MMC is not a seaman’s book for record keeping or logging sea service. An applicant who would like to apply for a new MMC or renew can use the USCG Certificate of Discharge (CG-718A) or Small Vessel Sea Service Form (CG-719S) to record their sea service. Or an applicant may submit a company letter of service.
The identification page contains a passport-style photo which is derived from the applicant’s TWIC card. It also includes document number (reference number) and serial number, type, country code, full name, current address, citizenship, height, hair color, date of birth, sex, weight, eye color, place of birth, issue and expiration dates. The credential must be signed by the holder for validity. Following the identification page, the qualification page(s) list the mariner’s qualifications from highest to lowest ranking, categorized into two sections: STCW or International regulations, capacities, and limitations, and Domestic capacities and limitations. The STCW or International regulations apply to work in international waters and are identified by their roman numeral code, while the domestic qualifications apply to work in the United States waters. It’s important to note that not all licensed mariner hold both international (STCW) and domestic ratings.
The USCG MMC is mandatory for mariners working on USCG-jurisdictional vessels and, is an essential document for the maritime industry.
Merchant Licensed Mariner Credentials
Types of Ratings and Officer Positions on the USCG Merchant Mariner Credentials:
The list includes common positions, but not limited to:
Deck Officers: These positions are issued to individuals who work in a leadership role on a commercial vessel, such as a Master or Mate.
Engine Officers: These positions are issued to individuals who work in an engineering role on a commercial vessel, such as a Chief Engineer or First Assistant Engineer.
Qualified Member of the Engine Department: This position is issued to individuals who work as part of the engineering crew on a commercial vessel.
Ratings Forming Part of a Navigational Watch: This position is issued to individuals who work on deck and perform specific duties that are part of a navigational watch, such as steering the vessel or working as a lookout.
Able Seaman: This position is issued to individuals who work as part of the deck crew on a commercial vessel.
Tankerman: This type of MMC is issued to individuals who work on vessels that carry liquids or gases in bulk, such as oil tankers or liquefied natural gas carriers.
Ordinary Seaman: This type of MMC is issued to individuals who work on vessels that carry liquids or gases in bulk, such as oil tankers or liquefied natural gas carriers.
Each qualification listed in the USCG Merchant Mariner Credential has different requirements for training and experience, and the capabilities that a person is eligible for depending on their job duties, sea service, and the type of vessel they work on.
The overall purpose of the MMC is to certify that the holder has the necessary training, experience, and qualifications to work on a vessel. By having an MMC, individuals can work on vessels that are regulated by the government and help ensure that ships are operated safely and efficiently.
Why Should You Apply for a USCG Merchant Mariner Credential (MMC)?
There are many reasons why you would want to obtain your merchant mariner credential. The most common reasons include:
Acquiring a USCG Merchant Marine Credential allows mariners to work in the shipboard merchant marine industry. The maritime industry is one of the most important industries in the world because 80% of the world’s trade is transported by sea.
Working in US Waters - Obtaining this certification indicates that you have the skills and knowledge to work on vessels registered with the United States Coast Guard. This makes it easier for people hiring new employees as they know they will be able to find someone who meets all the safety requirements and qualifications needed to fill the position.
Any United States citizen aged 18+ can apply for a United States Coast Guard Merchant Mariner Credential. Non-United States citizens are not eligible to apply for a United States Coast Guard Merchant Mariner Credential with officer endorsements, except those applying for endorsement as operators of uninspected passenger vessels that are not documented under the laws of the United States. All other positions (not Officers) can be applied for as long as they are a citizen of the US, An alien who is lawfully admitted to the US for permanent residence, or a foreign national who is enrolled in the US Merchant Marine Academy (USMMA).
Those applicants that have a criminal history MUST report their criminal history to the United States Coast Guard on the USCG application package. If the USCG determines that the applicant is not a safe and suitable person or cannot be entrusted with the duties and responsibilities of the MMC or endorsement applied for, the application may be disapproved. The criminal review is based on fingerprints provided from TSA to the Coast Guard. It is important not to lie when it comes to the criminal history or substance abuse history when completing the application. If you are unsure about expungements or anything similar, it is best to write it down and be honest. The USCG is a federal organization which can pull up all history.
Applications can be submitted at any time. Currently, the process takes 90 days (about 3 months) from the time it is received at the Regional Exam Center. This time frame can change at any time based on the backlog of the USCG application request. Expedite can be requested but is not guaranteed when submitting your application. Here at Maritime Licensing Agency, we ensure that your application is processed correctly and in a timely manner.
Some if not most all applicants will tell you that the USCG MMC application is daunting, frustrating, and downright confusing. Most times, reading through the required check lists on the USCG website is difficult to understand.
At The Maritime Licensing Agency, we will handle and assist you through all parts of your process including applications, fees, reviewing sea time/service letters, and advising on the exact documents/requirements needed to renew, upgrade, or apply for your first-time MMC. The basics to provide for the USCG application for your Merchant Mariner Credential (MMC) are:
Third (3rd) Party Authorization Form (if applicable)
USCG Application – CG_719B
Conviction Statement – CG_719C (if applicable)
Merchant Mariner Oath (only need it if this is the first time to ever apply for a USCG MMC, not needed if you are renewing your USCG MMC)
Sea Service (Sea Time): - CG-719S (Small Vessel Sea Service form), Sea Service Letter on Company Letterhead, Certificate of Discharge and Active Duty/ Reserve documents (USCG TOSS, Army TOSS, NOAA TOSS, USCG AOPS) of sea service you have earned.
You can find the total number of sea service days on the United States Coast Guard Website. https://www.dco.uscg.mil/nmc/checklist/. Remember that you will need at least a year of Sea service (Sea Time) within the last 5 years to renew your USCG MMC. We will review it if you are unsure about your sea service.
Any relevant/valid training certificates approved by the USCG.
Negative Drug Test Document (3 options)
Provide the results of a DOT 5 Panel Urine Test for Marijuana, Cocaine, Opiates, Phencyclidine, and Amphetamines.
Provide a letter on marine employer stationary or on command letterhead attesting to participation in a random drug testing program.
Provide a letter on marine employer stationery attesting to pre-employment drug testing.
Remember that there are a few exceptions to this requirement including increasing in scope, asking for a duplicate, or applying for an STCW only endorsement.
TWIC card: This is necessary unless you have previously held one and are exempt from holding one. (In case you are exempt, you will need to complete the TWIC exemption section on the USCG application form.)
Copy of your current USCG credential (This only applies for renewal)
USCG Medical form – CG_719K (This is necessary. If you already hold a valid USCG medical credential, then you will need to provide a copy. Please ensure you are following the date of what your MMC states you hold.)
If you have any medical restrictions, the USCG medical evaluator may ask you for doctor statements
If you are unsure about this, it is best to consult with your experienced licensing agent. The goal is to send the doctor statements or letters needed when submitting your application. This will help in ensuring little to no delays of your process.
USCG Fees (MLA will handle your USCG Fees.)
Additional requirements may be requested.
***IMPORTANT UPDATE***: USCG is now accepting e-signatures on all CG-719 series forms and merchant marine credential documentation as well as other supporting documentation including sea service, assessments, mariner training documentation, and qualified assessor and designated examiner requests.
You can find the applications, medicals, and any additional forms needed on our website. USCG checklist can be found on the USCG National Maritime Center website, or we will provide you one on request.
Please upload the application, medical, and other forms sent to you for USCG in this drop-down.
If you don’t see something you need, or not sure what you need, send us an email (below) and we will help ensure that you have all the proper documentation needed to complete your application.